Removal & Relief Tutorial Videos

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What Is Needed for a Motion to Substitute?
If an attorney is taking over representation of a client in removal proceedings from another attorney, a motion to substitute is needed. This tutorial will explain what is needed in a motion to substitute.
Late Filings in Immigration Court
Can I include evidence if I missed the call up date? Emergency motions to accept the late-file documents, what to say on the call or voice message.
Importance of an I-213 in Removal Proceedings
In removal proceedings, there is often a reference to an “I-213”. This tutorial will explain what an I-213 is and why it is very important to removal proceedings.
What Are the Parts of a Notice to Appear (NTA)?
Removal proceedings begin with the filing of a Notice to Appear (NTA). This tutorial will explain what is found on an NTA.
How to Request a Fee Waiver in Immigration Court
When eligible, it is possible to request a fee waiver for defensive applications in Immigration Court. This tutorial will explain how to request a fee waiver as well as strategic considerations.
T Visas: How to Screen Consultations for Possible T Visa Relief
Learn how to ask the right questions so you don’t overlook possible T visa eligibility.
How to Apply for the 212(d)(3) Waiver to the Consulate
This video will demonstrate how to prepare a 212(d)(3) waiver, and how it is submitted to the US Consulate.
When Can the 212(d)(3) Waiver Be Used?
This video will explore in what circumstances the 212(d)(3) waiver can be used
Dealing with Trauma to Discover Your Client’s Story
Asylum seekers have much trauma that prevents them from telling their account of persecution. Here, we will provide tips on how to help your client discover their story and help the attorney tell their client’s story.
How to Change Venue for a Removal Defense Case
Pleadings requirements, acknowledging service of NTA, and stating relief. How to serve DHS, including the change of address form.
Best Practices for Checks Payable to USCIS
How to submit a check to USCIS and make sure it has been received.
Six Tips to Prepare for Direct Examination in an Asylum Hearing
How to organize and prepare for direct examination in court.
Lodging an Asylum Application at Immigration Court Without a Hearing
Forms that need to go with this filing in a basic case; how to deliver the form to the court; what you will receive back from the court administrator.
Client Communication in Long Removal Cases
How to stay in touch with your client when their removal case may go on for 3, 4, or 5 years!
What Is the Immigration Justice Campaign?
A quick overview of the Immigration Justice Campaign.
Entering an Appearance in Immigration Court or the BIA
Navigating the e-registry, filing a new appearance between the Board and the Court.