Practice Management, Ethics, & Wellness Tutorial Videos

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Breathing Meditation for Grief and Loss with Jennifer Howard
This 10 minute video with AILA member Jennifer Howard guides through breathing and mindfulness exercises that can help with feelings of grief and loss.
Six Minute Breathing Meditation with Laura Kelley
Watch this short 6 minute meditation with AILA member Laura Kelley to release stress in different parts of your body.
Breath and Body Meditation with Laura Kelley
Watch this ten-minute meditation with AILA member Laura Kelley to establish a simple sense of presence and notice our bodies and surrounding environment.
Ethics Check: The Initial Conversation About Joint Representation
What should we say to clients about dual representation at the beginning of the relationship? We can’t just expect them to understand this concept solely from reading our fee agreements. Watch this 5 minute video for sample language for how to explain this crucial concept to your clients and avoid future misunderstandings.
Ethics Check: Writing a Clear Scope of Representation
One of the most common mistakes in fee agreements and engagement letters is not having a clear scope of representation. This 3-minute Ethics Check video explains how to set appropriate expectations with clients and avoid overly broad or vague promises, while also emphasizing the value you provide as their lawyer.
Ethics Check: Working with Interpreters
This short Ethics Check video walks through the ethical and practical risks that come with using an interpreter, what to look for when you’re hiring a professional, and how to set the ground rules for the conversation with the client.
Ethics Check: Who Owns the File?
This short Ethics Check video explains what ethical obligations you have when a client asks for their file. Must you really give them every scrap of paper related to their case? What is the rule, and are there any exceptions? Let’s talk about who owns what and discuss how to make file disclosure as simple and streamlined as possible.
The Five Most Common Immigration Cases Facing MAP Servicemembers
AILA’s Military Assistance Program (MAP) offers pro bono immigration assistance to active-duty service members, recent veterans, and their close family members. Immigration attorneys do not need specialized skills to represent MAP servicemembers, as most MAP cases are common family immigration cases. Watch this short 5-minute video to learn more.
Meditation for Anxiety with Dyan Williams
Watch this five-minute meditation with AILA member Dyan Williams to help you reflect on your emotions and get anxiety in check. Brought you by your AILA Lawyer Well-Being Committee. Also, check out the new Lawyer Well-Being Center and make a commitment to your wellness today.
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping Meditation) with Dyan Williams
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which comes from traditional Chinese medicine and other ancient healing systems, helps you tap into the energy flow channels within your body. Watch this 22 minute video from Lawyer Well-Being Week for an introduction to this meditation technique.
Ethics Check: Protecting Confidences From Inadvertent Disclosure in the Age of Technology
It’s time to take data theft seriously. It’s our obligation as lawyers to protect confidential information, and data can be stolen in a myriad of ways: lost and stolen laptops, hacking and ransomware attacks, and even rogue employees. Watch this Ethics Check video for 7 tips to start today to protect your firm’s information.
Breath Focus to Center Self with Ritu Goswamy
Set aside your phone and your to-do list, and join Ritu Goswamy for a 12-minute meditation focusing on breath work and body scans to relax and recenter. This was originally part of the 2021 Lawyer Well-Being Week daily meditations.
Ethics Check: The Sacrosanct Independence of a Lawyer
Have you ever gotten instructions from your employer that made you feel a little weird? It’s human nature to want to just go along with what the boss says, but ethics rules don’t support that way of thinking. This short ethics check video gives guidance on why lawyers’ independence of thought is essential to the profession, and how to speak truth to power in a respectful and effective way.
Heart Centered Meditation with Donusia Lipinski
It’s time to cleanse and release ourselves from the attachments of worries, frustrations, and insecurities, and welcome our higher self, who we are at the core. Take a journey through your inner being and open your heart to limitless possibilities with this 20 minute meditation guided by Donusia Lipinski. This was originally part of the 2021 Lawyer Well-Being Week daily meditations.
Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) with Danielle Polen
This mindfulness practice meditation, guided by Danielle Polen, leads viewers through a cleansing breathing exercise that is designed to bring balance to the two sides of the body and the two hemispheres of the brain. This was originally part of the 2021 Lawyer Well-Being Week daily meditations.
Visualization Meditation
In this video, AILA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Member Diana Santos walks members through a guided morning meditation.
How to Use AILA's Group Directory Page
This video tutorial explains how to utilize AILA’s Group Directory page to locate the contact information for AILA Liaison Committees and local agency liaisons.
Laughter Yoga Meditation with Diana Santos
Laughter yoga meditation helps the immune system and relaxes us. At the start of January 2021, the Lawyer Well-Being Committee had a roundtable that celebrated social well-being through BINGO and laughter meditation. Here is the meditation for you to enjoy and use in your daily life.
Ethics Check: The Conflicts Everyone Forgets (PPC)
In this quick Ethics Check video, learn the purpose behind a conflicts check system in immigration law and get several sample conflicts checks in Excel, from the Practice & Professionalism Center.
Ethics Check: Staying in the Hypothetical with Mentors (PPC)
In this quick Ethics Check video, learn a common breach of confidentiality point, ethics resources AILA offers, and how to stay on the right side of ethics when talking about cases with colleagues.
Responding to RFEs When External Circumstances Make Them Impossible to Fulfill
This video discusses when emergency circumstances outside your control, like the covid-19 pandemic, make it impossible to fulfill an RFE and what should you do.
Share Content on Social Media
Do you want to start a conversation on social media about a recent policy change, or share a great AILA resource with your community? All public documents on have social media sharing tools. Watch this video to learn how to take advantage of them.
Litigation Resources on
This video provides information about where to find litigation resources on
Picking a Forms Program
Comparing costs, value, what best fits your type of practice? Can you get by with a basic program or do you want a cloud based program? Are you and your staff able to use the more technological programs? Is tech support available easily?
Succession Planning for Solos: What Does Your Retirement Look Like?
This video is part of a three-video series on succession planning for solos. It will discuss retirement planning.
Succession Planning for Solos: How to Prepare Your Practice for Death or Disability
This video is part of a three-video series on succession planning for solos. It will discuss preparing your practice for death or disability.
Succession Planning for Solos: Backup Attorneys for Vacations and Emergencies
This video is part of a three-video series on succession planning for solos. It will discuss backup attorneys for vacations and emergencies.
What Is Needed for a Motion to Substitute?
If an attorney is taking over representation of a client in removal proceedings from another attorney, a motion to substitute is needed. This tutorial will explain what is needed in a motion to substitute.
Changing Your Display Settings in AILALink
AILA legal research frequently asked question: how to change your AILALink display settings.
Managing Client Communications for Increased Productivity
How can you do less work while still managing your clients? This video provides tips for increasing productivity.
Four Keys to Software Success
This video discusses the four keys to software success: the test drive, integration costs, support offered, and training.
How to Effectively Enhance Law Firm Profitability
This video discusses the three ways to effectively enhance profitability: 1) increase the fees you charge, 2) increase the number of clients you serve by increasing your marketing and business development efforts, or 3) improve efficiency by increasing productivity and reducing costs of doing business.
Your Most Profitable Hour All Year
Billable time determines your income, but nonbillable time determines your future. Reid Trautz, Director of the Practice & Professionalism Center, makes the case for non-substantive law CLE. Then register for the AILA Law Practice Management Conference—the conference that will determine your future!
The Ethics of Hourly Billing
Where does the advanced payment for hourly fees go, trust or operating? What tasks can you bill for?
The Ethics of Minimum Fees
What is a minimum fee and are they ethically permissible? What happens if the representation ends early, and how do you set a reasonable milestone to delineate when the minimum fee is earned?
How Much Can You Charge for Your Services?
What standards govern the upper limits of what a lawyer can charge for his or her services?
Mindfulness Practice Meditation with Ken Mayeaux
As part of our wellness series, join us for the body scan practice.
Moment of Mindfulness: Mindful Walking
As part of our wellness series, join us for mindful walking.
Moment of Mindfulness: The Forgiveness Practice
As part of our wellness series, join us for the forgiveness practice.
Moment of Mindfulness: The “S.T.O.P.” Practice
As part of our wellness series, join us for the "S.T.O.P." practice.
Moment of Mindfulness: The Body Scan Practice
As part of our wellness series, join us for the body scan practice.
Moment of Mindfulness: Mindful Breathing Practice
As part of our wellness series, join us for mindful breathing practices.